Here at Hanley Controls we can offer Off-site Fabrication pipework in George Fischer plastics in various materials and types of Fusion, allowing pipe systems to be pre-assembled in house, by reducing time needed onsite for assembly, helping our customers to meet quality standards and project deadlines. Recently Hanley’s has helped one of our customers with Pre-fabrication in Contain-it PE100 / PVDF. Our customer value engineered this project which allowed Hanley’s to manufacture off-site due to space and time constraints within the project. Double Contain-it jointing is a specialized technology enabling to connect double pipeline, in this case Inner PVDF 63mm with takes the pressurized medium and an outer PE100 110mm acts as a protection against leakage, this process is achieved by a combination of PVDF IR-Fusion and PE100 Electro-Fusion. Hanley’s Fabrication shop has produced all spool assemblies’ drawings supplied by customer, shipped to site for final assembly. All spools are clean and bagged for transport. |
For more information Contact Dwayne Dunphy Email [email protected] LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile View the +GF+ range here: |