They also launched a new product for hot and cold water system terminations called "iLite". This product is available from 16mm to 32mm.
+GF+ have also released a new product in zoned heating which is the HIU system. Slimline purpose made district heating control panels ideal for high rise and multi occupancy residential dwellings.
+GF+ Plastic piping has been in use for decades and proven to be a better all round alternative to traditional steel / copper piping systems which are vulnerable to market fluctuations. Projects for +GF+ products include Data centres, Pharma, OPW, Medical and Semi conductor Industries throughout the world .
Full range of +GF+ products and training are available from Hanley Controls Clonmel Ltd
For more info on any of above products please contact Dwayne Dunphy or Paul Fahy or download
the catalogues from our website.
Pictured from left to right at the “ big in the city” launch at the Millbank tower London are. Kevin Dundon, MD Hanley Controls Clonmel Ltd, Kenneth Kinsella, Director of Capital Development London School of Economics, Paul Fahy, Director of Utilities Hanley Controls Clonmel Ltd and Dwayne Dunphy, Sales manager for +GF+ products at Hanley Controls Clonmel Ltd .